Buxtehude、[De Fugue in C-Dur, BuxWV 174].

 Thank you for reading from the Netherlands and Italy.

Earlier, there was a part that was a little lacking in explanation, so to avoid confusion, I increased the explanation of the part where repetition appears, such as fractions. After stabilizing to the basic form of tonality, the world of  various expanding direction is interesting.

The music I want to introduce today was also on YOUTUBE.「Brabants Orgelproject」.

Music starts about 10 seconds later. Let's talk about Buxtehude's [De Fugue in C-Dur, BuxWV 174]. The performance of "Reinier Korver" from the Netherlands is recommended because the fineness of the organ particles is wonderful.

It is full of the fun of music that can be seen from the sound of the organ.

the theme of the music that goes up and down at the beginning , Also,comes out in the place where the after place [other parts].

It's like a wave, and the directional structure that I can always see by listening to where the music is heading is interesting.

The music will end in 3 minutes and 8 second.

The music I will talk about next is performed Buxtehude music about performance by Kata Szabó.

Buxtehude's other d-moll Toccata music is also fascinating.

The structure of this music is also interesting, and I think there is a wide range of directions that I feel be expressed by whole music parts.

The color when it becomes a long note value is increase sacred and beautiful, and the quietness when it becomes a single voice is also wonderful.

it's recommended.




今日紹介したい曲はYOUTUBEにも載っていました。Brabants Orgelprojectチャンネルです。

10秒くらい経った場所から、音楽が始まります。始まるBuxtehudeの[De Fugue in C-Dur, BuxWV 174]についてお話します。オランダの「Reinier Korver」氏の演奏はオルガンの粒子の細やかさが素敵なのでおすすめです。It is full of the fun of music that can be seen from the sound of the organ.




次にお話する音楽は、 Kata Szabó氏の演奏による、

Buxtehudeの他の、d-moll のトッカータの音楽も魅力的な音楽です。





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