Mon espace d'évasion et de rébellion: Début d'une longue histoire

Mon espace d'évasion et de rébellion: Début d'une longue histoire: Huile sur panneau de 100x80  Année 2015   1600 € "J’aime à penser que la vie, est comparable à celle d’un torrent tumultue...

この絵の滝のような急流を見るという強い衝撃と共通する時が自分の中にもあったと思いました。 何か新しいことを始めることは、強い強烈な経験になる可能性があります。

Today I will talk about the paintings in this work.
When I saw the work of this painting, I was evoked the feelings that I had when something new started into my life.
I think something new is a landscape I've never seen, so it's like
I thought that I had a time in common with the strong impact of seeing a torrent like the waterfall in this fine arts my mind. I starting something new can be an strong intense experience.


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