I talk about singing voice of the choir of "Camerata Lacunensis".


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Today, I will talk about a choir of singing voices that is warm, powerful, feels a vast world in performance, and resonates.

Even in a dark and desolate place, I don't think I'm the only one who feels calm and orderly when listening to the singing voice.

This music, I feel the strong energy like the sun leading to the orderly road.

I like the singing voice of the choir of "Camerata Lacunensis".

"O Magnum Mysterium. Dante Andreo Camerata Lacunensis dir. Jose Herrero."

We can find it by searching with and YOUTUBE.





「Camerata Lacunensis」の合唱団の歌声が好きです。

O Magnum Mysterium. Dante Andreo Camerata Lacunensis dir. Jose Herrero."とYOUTUBEで検索すると見つかります。


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