Chopin Ballad No.4 [short 2024 version] 「I thought it was a flower field with a blue sky that I would never see again. However, if I don't lose sight of the brilliance of my heart, I will definitely meet again. 」Poem by me.

As we live, we encounter various "breakups".

However, I feel that it is different to have one's heart painted black due to a ``breakup''. When you feel depressed or find it difficult to see your heart due to various events... I think it can be surprising when you come across vivid art. In this scene, as stated in the preface of my article, I would like to depict the protagonist's realization that if he does not lose sight of the brilliance of his heart, he will be able to feel many things while living again with clear eyes. This is a music that I hope will reach those who are currently struggling with difficult things.

Thank you watching my Blog♪.


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